Hi, I’m Eric


Helping you optimize and steward your wealth so that you can live a high impact life.

Financial freedom isn’t just simply getting out of debt… It’s a series of strategic moves that get you to the point where you can live out your God given calling to its fullest potential… This is where I come in… I’m here to help you fill in the gaps, get on track, and make a High Impact!

My dream is to inspire my clients to utilize their wealth for long-lasting purposes, to get their finances in alignment to live a life of significance. I'm a nerd when it comes to financial planning - I love putting the pieces together and having it make practical sense for you!

When I'm not working, I can be found spending time with people, drinking coffee, or playing sports. In addition, I'm active in serving the city of Riverside CA by investing and training people at my church, serving on the Riverside Public Library Foundation board, and on various committees with the PICK Group, a local organization dedicated to building up young professionals.

If you’re curious about making an impact and optimizing your finances, I would encourage you to take action today and book a free call with me!